8 Favorite Life lessons We Learn from Dogs and Yoga

We learn valuable life lessons from dogs and yoga. Two different paths come together to teach us patience, acceptance connection and so much more!

Hey everyone! "I'm Nola, the yoga dog! I adore you! And there are so many things you can learn from me".  

Be present

All dogs have unique personalities, but all are 100% present 100% of the time taking advantage of every single second!

Just like our furry friends, we can embrace the joy of seizing each moment with enthusiasm and curiosity. While it sounds simple, mastering this skill requires consistent practice and dedication. In a world where our 
minds wander between the past and the future we can practice being present and focusing on our breath and body through yoga; a powerful way to unite our minds and bodies and accept what is. By tuning into our breath and staying mindful of each passing moment, we can cultivate a deep sense of awareness and connection within ourselves.

Stay Curious

Don Sniffing in the ground
Nola sniffing and being curious

It's a sign of health in dogs, and also humans! Curiosity keeps our brains active and our minds open and observant for new ideas and possibilities. In yoga, where routine sometimes feels like second nature, curiosity can add zest to our practice. Even in those familiar poses that we could do in our sleep, curiosity invites us to reach longer, to twist a little further, or explore a new way to hold a pose. It's a sense of wonder that opens doors to greater appreciation within the practice. Sniff out possibilities and stick to it! Curiosity adds spice to life.


Dog waiting for the ball. two dogs with a frisbee, one dog with a frisbee.
Nola and Kai with a frisbee

If you want to play with your ball, but your best friend is generous enough to share his frisbee, play with the frisbee! Take turns, and next time, you'll both play with the ball! You'll have a blast! So, join a game of frisbee! Yoga also teaches us to share. We create a sense of community and we're often reminded that we share the planet, the sun and the stars with all humanity. 

Take naps 

Dog Sleeping
Nola napping

If it's time for a nap don't feel guilty because sleep analysts tell us naps are great for our health. Naps help you reduce stress, increase stamina, improve perception and help with hypertension. While yoga isn't about napping, it does offer a rejuvenating effect like a refreshing nap. Both yoga and napping contribute to overall health and well-being, whether it's through physical relaxation, mental clarity, or stress reduction.

Play Everyday

Happy Dog jumping for the ball
Nola Jumping for the ball

Run and Play every day! Play for the fun of it and reduce your stress, challenge your brain, and boost your creativity; when you share laughter, it breaks the ice, improves relationships, and fosters connection and community. It's the best medicine! George Bernard Shaw said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." To increase energy and improve your immune system get out and play! Group yoga classes aren't just about perfecting poses; they're chances to play and enjoy ourselves. It's okay to laugh when we wobble in tree pose or stumble out half moon. It's all part of the fun!

Accept yourself

Dogs never think, "what will they think of me if I do this" Or, "how do I look today" They just are, they are just being and they just do. Yoga is amazing in tuning us in to our true selves, accepting our bodies as they are, being in the present moment with our judgement, treating ourselves with kindness, letting go of our need to be perfect, and connecting to our inner wisdom to gain insight to our authentic self. The more we practice yoga, the more self-acceptance becomes natural.

Enjoy the Winds of Change

Dog looking out of car window
Catch a breeze

Oh, the joy of the wind on my face, sticking my head out the car window as we drive along. Yoga also teaches us to embrace the seasons of our lives. Just as dogs eagerly greet each gust of wind, yoga teaches us to welcome the ever-changing rhythms of nature and the cycles of life. I love this poem by Wu-Men, "Ten Thousand Flowers in the Spring" .

"Ten thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn,
a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter.
If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,
this is the best season of your life".

With yoga we connect with the essence of each season, finding balance, harmony, and renewal in the world around us.


Person holding a dogs head and looking into their eyes
Nola wants to hear one more time why I picked her!

Whether it's the family you were born into or the souls you've chosen to bring close to you, connection and belonging allow you to feel safe and protected, enabling you to give your best. Belongingness is a basic need. Studies have shown that simply petting a dog or cat releases oxytocin into your system to get that warm, cozy feeling. There is no end to the health benefits of being with a dog! Dogs value and stay loyal to a good friend. And we can also try to live a happy life, don't hold grudges and play!

In essence, both dogs - other pets too - and yoga offer  beautiful lessons that enrich our lives in so many ways. From the unconditional love and acceptance exemplified by dogs to the mindfulness, self-acceptance, and interconnectedness felt with yoga, these two seemingly different paths come together to remind us to embrace each moment with gratitude, to find joy in simple things, and to develop a deeper connection to ourselves and the world around us. 

Be glad. 

Be you!