Real Men Practice Yoga

Explore how yoga empowers real men: enhancing strength, flexibility, and mental clarity while reducing stress. Join us on the mat!

REAL MEN PRACTICE YOGA because they reap the benefits.

The heart of yoga lies in ancient wisdom. Here in the USA, it's gaining popularity, even with men, who in 2022 made up about 28% of yogis, according to the Yoga Alliance and the Yoga Journal. Still, compared to women who practice, it's a small fraction.

Although men benefit in numerous ways, some factors still hold them back from stepping on the mat.

One is the ubiquitous social media stereotype that causes misconceptions about the practice. Authentic yoga isn't about young white women twisting their bodies into pretzel shapes. But, of course, you need a body to do yoga, and yoga is for all bodies. The variations and props exist so everyone can find what fits them the best.

From personal experience, the main reason I've come across is some men think they need to be more flexible before they start. Fear about bending over and not reaching the floor plays a part for many of them. So, assuming they have to be flexible first is like saying, "I need to get rid of my stress before I can relax," or "I have to clean my house before the cleaning lady comes." More advanced doesn't mean more results; usually, new people or those less flexible notice faster results.

Some men prefer a higher-intensity workout and might think yoga is too easy. However, the men who practice yoga can debunk that one because, more often than not, yoga improves overall health, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological functioning, and balance and coordination, more than going to the gym. Many yoga poses and postures challenge even the best athletes!

Another reason I hear often is they might find it boring, and the poses useless. Yet, from improving muscle and bone strength to increasing flexibility and range of motion to reducing stress and tension, every asana benefits the body somehow. And, when people focus 100% yoga is anything but boring.

Almost ready to step on the mat? If you're a man, here are a few reasons why men should.

Flexibility: Yoga Improves flexibility and men are usually less flexible than women. Increased flexibility reduces the risk of injury.

Balance: Men usually have a higher center of gravity than women, and practicing balance improves stability.

Strength: Yoga builds muscle strength and power in a balanced way on both sides of the body, using body weight. Holding poses also increases endurance.

Posture: Yoga aligns your body and correct posture and body mechanics body mechanics and alignment improve breathing and general well-being.

Stress: Yoga reduces anxiety and stress. Stress shows up in many ways, and yoga helps build mental well-being and creates focus, clarity, and peace of mind. Breathing, in particular, lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

If NFL athletes are getting into yoga, it must be helpful; They find yoga improves their range of motion and stamina. In addition, breathing, body awareness, and focus are performance enhancers.

All you have to do is turn up, and you'll tune in.

Yoga boosts confidence on and off the mat; it creates positive vibes, and regardless of age, yoga is the key to feeling alive and full of life!!